US Presidents Quotes, Political Figures and Personalities 4th Of July Quotes And Sayings

July 4th! Happy 4th July America….US Presidents Quotes: As 4th of July is a day of Independence for the United States of America.  As other countries of world the America also celebrates its Independence day to celebrate the honour and freedom.

The day of Independence celebrated by everyone that has fought for our beautiful and beloved country. United States of America observed holidays on their day of independence as its come in summer.

On Independence Day all American families arranged some get together, eat lots of goodies and different foods and drink lots of beer and they all spend their time with their loved ones. As the day comes in summer when the weather is nice and hot and really suitable to go to the beach and watch the most amazing fireworks.


As the history shaped by the U.S.A they had many political figures, personalities and Presidents that have showed their patriotism with their messages. Take a look at some of these sayings and quotes to celebrate this year’s Independence Day:

US Presidents Quotes

George H. W. Bush: “America is never wholly herself unless she is engaged in high moral principle. We as a people have such a purpose today. It is to make kinder the face of the nation and gentler the face of the world.”

George W. Bush: “America has never been united by blood or birth or soil. We are bound by ideals that move us beyond our backgrounds, lift us above our interests and teach us what it means to be citizens.”

George Washington: “It may be laid down as a primary position, and the basis of our system, that every Citizen who enjoys the protection of a Free Government, owes not only a proportion of his property, but even of his personal services to the defence of it.”

Ronald Reagan: “Democracy is worth dying for, because it’s the most deeply honourable form of government ever devised by man.”

Patrick Henry: “Give me liberty or give me death.”

Barack Obama: “Americans… still believe in an America where anything’s possible.”

Bill Clinton: “You are the most powerful cultural force in the world.”

Hillary Clinton: “You show people what you’re willing to fight for when you fight your friends.”

Jimmy Carter: “The experience of democracy is like the experience of life itself-always changing, infinite in its variety, sometimes turbulent and all the more valuable for having been tested by adversity.”

Richard Nixon: “So you are lean and mean and resourceful and you continue to walk on the edge of the precipice because over the years you have become fascinated by how close you can walk without losing your balance.”

Gerald Ford: “Our constitution works. Our great republic is a government of laws, not of men.”

John F. Kennedy: “I look forward to an America which will not be afraid of grace and beauty.”

Lyndon B. Johnson: “The vote is the most powerful instrument ever devised by man for breaking down injustice and destroying the terrible walls which imprison men because they are different from other men.”

Dwight D. Eisenhower: “The history of free men is never really written by chance but by choice; their choice!”

Franklin D. Roosevelt: “We must remember that any oppression, any injustice, any hatred, is a wedge designed to attack our civilization.”

Harry S. Truman: “Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skilful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.”

Herbert Hoover: “There are only two occasions when Americans respect privacy, especially in Presidents. Those are prayer and fishing.”

Warren G. Harding: “America’s present need is not heroics but healing; not nostrums but normalcy; not revolution but restoration.”

Calvin Coolidge: “Prosperity is only an instrument to be used, not a deity to be worshipped.”

Woodrow Wilson: “Just what is it that America stands for? If she stands for one thing more than another it is for the sovereignty of self-governing people.

Theodore Roosevelt: “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”

William Howard Taft: “Next to the right of liberty, the right of property is the most important individual right guaranteed by the Constitution and the one which, united with that of personal liberty, has contributed more to the growth of civilization than any other institution established by the human race.”

Grover Cleveland: “There is no calamity which a great nation can invite which equals that which follows a supine submission to wrong and injustice and the consequent loss of national self-respect and honor, beneath which are shielded and defended a people’s safety and greatness.”

Grover Cleveland: “There is no calamity which a great nation can invite which equals that which follows a supine submission to wrong and injustice and the consequent loss of national self-respect and honor, beneath which are shielded and defended a people’s safety and greatness.”

Benjamin Harrison: “The bud of victory is always in the truth.”

William Henry Harrison: “I contend that the strongest of all governments is that which is most free.”

Chester A. Arthur: “Men may die, but the fabrics of free institutions remains unshaken.”

James A. Garfield: “The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.”

Martin Van Buren: “We remain at peace with all nations, and no efforts on my part consistent with the preservation of our rights and the honour of the country shall be spared to maintain a position so consonant to our institutions.”

Rutherford B. Hayes: “Conscience is the authentic voice of God to you.”

Ulysses S. Grant: “I have never advocated war except as a means of peace.”

Andrew Johnson: “Honest conviction is my courage; the Constitution is my guide.”

Abraham Lincoln: “This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it.”

Franklin Pierce: “The dangers of a concentration of all power in the general government of a confederacy so vast as ours are too obvious to be disregarded.”

James Buchanan: “The test of leadership is not to put greatness into humanity, but to elicit it, for the greatness is already there.”

John Tyler: “So far as it depends on the course of this government, our relations of good will and friendship will be sedulously cultivated with all nations.”

James K. Polk: “Minorities have a right to appeal to the Constitution as a shield against such oppression.”

Millard Fillmore: “It is not strange… to mistake change for progress.”

Andrew Jackson: “Every good citizen makes his country’s honour his own, and cherishes it not only as precious but as sacred. He is willing to risk his life in its defence and its conscious that he gains protection while he gives it.”

John Quincy Adams: “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

James Monroe: “National honour is the national property of the highest value.”

James Madison: “If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.”

Thomas Jefferson: “Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.”

John Adams: “Old minds are like old horses; you must exercise them if you wish to keep them in working order.”